Do you need accounting, a website or some other service?


Access special prices only for Vilarenc Zenit users.

Additional services

Access special conditions for Vilarenc Zenit users.

Do you want to be a prominent Vilarenc Zenit supplier?

If you want your offers to appear prominently both online, and in the physical space for business revitalization Masia Vilarenc Zenit, request to be a prominent provider.

What is a featured supplier?

A company or professional that makes advantageous offers to VilarencZenit users.

What do you get?

Visibility of your products / services and priority access to Vilarenc Zenit users.

What do you need to be a featured supplier?

Comply with minimum standards that guarantee the stability and suitability of its suppliers. These minimums are calculated according to the scales shown below and that give points.

Scales to be a supplier

To be a prominent supplier, it is necessary to have a minimum of 100 points added to the different scales.

Si tienes 100 puntos o más debes rellenar el formulario de solicitud. En el plazo de una semana se te indicará si has sido aceptado o no como proveedor destacado o aportar alguna documentación adicional.

  • 1.

    Legal form

    SA = 75 points
    SL = 50 points
    Cooperativa = 35 points
    Autónomo o SCP = 25 points

  • 2.


    Calafell = 50 points
    less than 40 km from Calafell = 25 points

  • 3.

    Time of life

    More than 10 years = 50 points
    More than 5 years = 35 points
    More than 2 years = 25 points

  • 4.


    More than 10 = 50 points
    More than 3 = 35 points
    More than 1 = 25 points

Post Featured Offers

To publish featured offers, you must have been accepted as a featured vendor.

Once you are a prominent provider, from your profile on you can register offers that will be seen in the featured offers section and that will also be promoted in the Masia Vilarenc Zenit space to its users, for example when they take a course.

Featured offers must be accepted by the Vilarenc Zenit team before they are visible. This process takes less than 1 week.

You can cancel an offer whenever you want, but you will not be able to modify it.

They have to meet the following conditions:


Clearly establish the advantage achieved over normal conditions. For example a price discount or an additional service.


Clearly establish the terms of the offer: period of validity, to whom it is addressed, etc.
The provider must not have an equal or better offer during the validity of another public channel, for example on its website.

Product / Service

Clearly state the product / service that the offer includes.

Access to featured offers

Active VilarencZenit users will be able to access your featured offers.

The first contact should always be made from and the user will start. To do this, the user will need a promotion code that he can request for a specific offer from This code will be given to you as long as that user is active, a status that the system will calculate based on the user's recent activity.

As a provider, you will receive from a request from a user for an offer. From there, the relationship and provision of the service is free between you and the user.

Reviews count

The way in which users will be able to assess the quality of your services and the offers you have presented will be through an opinion, provided that they have accessed any of your offers.

These opinions will be public and visible in the featured offers section.

Obligations as a prominent supplier

Obligations such as The fact of being a prominent supplier did not generate any obligation. The idea is that as a prominent supplier you are the main interested in presenting attractive offers and then complying with a good product / service according to the expectations generated. In this way you will attract customers and business, and VilarencZenit will be able to offer better advantages to its users.


Despite not being mandatory as a prominent supplier, you can help energize the physical space of VilarencZenit. To do this, you will be asked to propose once a year a workshop / talk that you consider attractive regarding the topics in your field of action. You can take advantage of this training to spread the word about your outstanding offers.